Welcome to the Heterogeneous Learning and Reasoning Lab

We do research on natural language processing, machine learning and combining vision and language. We work on information and semantic extraction from language. We investigate methodologies to interplay between learning and reasoning and develop techniques to include declarative and procedural world knowledge in statistical/neural learning. We develop research software and build prototypes to facilitate designing AI systems. We also aim to apply our techniques and tools on real world-problems and conduct multi-disciplinary research to impact the society for making the world a better place to live.

Check out our research code and developed models, frameworks in Github. https://github.com/HLR/


February 19th 2024

Our paper on 'Using Persuasive Writing Strategies to Explain and Detect Health Misinformation' is accepted for LREC-COLING 2024. Congratulations to Daniel, Joseph et al.!

February 15th 2024

Congratulations to our great member Dr. Guangyue Xu who officially graduated today! We all wish the best for the next phase of his life!

Janurary 15th 2024

Three papers accepted at EACL 2024 Findings; "Teaching Probabilistic Logical Reasoning to Transformers", "Consistent Joint Decision-Making with Heterogeneous Learning Models", and "NavHint; Vision and Language Navigation Agent with a Hint Generator". Congratulations Darius, Hossein, Joslin, et al.!

October 20th 2023

Our paper on 'GIPCOL; Graph-Injected Soft Prompting for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning' is accepted for WACV-2024. Congratulations to Guangyue et al.!

October 11th 2023

Our paper on 'Syntax-Guided Transformers; Elevating Compositional Generalization and Grounding in Multimodal Environments' is accepted for GenBench workshop at EMNLP. Congratulations to Danial et al.! [More Info]

October 11th 2023

Our paper on "MetaReVision; Meta-Learning with Retrieval for Visually Grounded Compositional Concept Acquisition" is accepted for EMNLP-2023 findings. Congratulations to Guangyue et al.!

October 2nd 2023

Parisa got an accepted Tutorial on “Spatial and Temporal Language Understanding; Representation, Reasoning, and Grounding” at NAACL-2024. This will be presented with James Pustejovsky, Qiang Ning, and Marie-Francine Moens. Congratulations Parisa!

October 2nd 2023

Congratulations for the Nuclear workshop proposal accepted! Elham Barezi will be co-organizing this workshop with IBM folks! Parisa Kordjamshidi will give a Keynote talk! This will be co-located with AAAI-2024. [More Info]

May 2nd 2023

Our paper on "VLN-Trans:%20Translator for the Vision and Language Navigation Agent" is accepted for ACL-2023. Congratulations to Joslin et al.!

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